Monday, November 8, 2010


Who doesn’t want their own theme song? Who would like to be the envy of their friends and proclaim, “Well, I have my own theme song, do you?” Who would like to walk down the street with the melodic confidence of an opening sequence sitcom character or park your car with the fanfare of an action star?

You would? Well, now’s your chance!

Starting Monday, November 8th through Wednesday, December 8th, with a purchase of $4.00 or more, you will be eligible in a random drawing. If your name is picked, I will write and record an actual theme song just for you to download and blast to the world! IT’S THAT EASY!

Just visit and purchase any number of track downloads from the catalog equaling $4.00 or greater. Heck, even if you don’t want the tracks, consider it a donation with the added bonus of personal theme song eligibility! The winner will be announced on Monday, December 13th 2010.

Make yourself stand out with your very own theme song! Great for office parties!

Visit and tell your friends who are in desperate need for their own theme song to become a fan on Facebook today!

(contest ends 11:59pm 12/8/2010)